House rules

Dear visitors of the Grenzlandmuseum Bad Sachsa,
due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the state government of Lower Saxony has imposed conditions under which it is possible to visit a museum. We have incorporated these conditions into our house rules and would like to point out that we take the following rules very seriously and will enforce them in the mutual interest of museum management and visitors.


1.There must be a minimum distance of at least 1.5 metres between visitors and museum staff (except at the cash desk) for the entire duration of their stay in the museum.

2. Access is only permitted with mouth-nose protection and is limited to the booked time unit of 70 minutes.

3. No access for people suffering from covid-19, contact persons, people from risk areas or people with a cold.
4. Visitors who have had personal contact with an infected person within the last 14 days are not allowed to enter the museum.